
As the operator of an online think tank it is amazing the different conversations we get into. Some topics bordering on conspiracy theory and paranormal sometimes; in fact recently one member brought us a picture of a legendary crop circle aerial photograph. And in discussing this one member said; Yes the Crop Circles of the past have created a whole group and cult of crop circle makers now$%: I guess it is relatively difficult to figure out what is what$%:

Another member stated and asked; Have you ever considered that "wheat germ" DNA is in humans$%: Interesting isn't it. Hey here is a thought knowing this piece of information for long-term space flight, where the mucous membranes would produce nourishment$%: Everyone had a laugh, no, none of us had considered that before$%:

Still another member said; Regarding your crop circle. Here is a thought. The crop circle represents atomic particles and electron spin. So, someone is saying; "Our language is Mathematics and we use light to transfer data, so use this so we can communicate$%:" It looks like language and symbols to me.

One link:

Manufacture of secretion that lines

Yourself to in the job

Practice righteous cleanliness

Degeneration occurs genuinely unhurriedly

An incredibly desirable sail end

Of course he was approaching this from an Arthur C Clarke, Ben Bova, Isaac Asmiov perspective, as that is the vein they original topic presenter had used to convey his suspicions. In this particular famous photo was a 1929 Zepplin shadow, which is interesting indeed above the picture, fun stuff. So there must have been two, one that casted the shadow and one which took the picture$%: Or it was merely super imposed. Occam's Razor.

Of course being as this was a think tank and no subjects are off limits someone also mentioned; Let me know if you are interested in Blimp Propulsion Future Technologies$%: GM Crops, Water issues, feeding the world, limiting human populations; all topics of conversation around that picture.

Then after looking more closely at the picture one member said; See on the top circle bottom at 4 o'clock$%: The lines in the field do not disrupt the circle. Why$%: Well the people making it used that as an upward entry point and Forgot to finish it. That is only one of six mistakes I see$%:

Wow, maybe Crop Circles are not real after all, yet see the value in allowing one's mind to wonder into topics of the paranormal can propel thought and produce off shoots of creativity and discover$%: I certainly hope this article is a topic of interest for you in 2007.

    創作者 bcahmed 的頭像


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